Frequently Asked Questions

  • Because every person is unique, the length of time that a person will spend in therapy will vary.

    It depends on many factors, such as your goals, what you hope to achieve, and what level of issues you are working to change.

    My goal with each client is to have our time together be the most beneficial for you. Sometimes clients come in and only have a couple of things to work on, and we meet for 6 to 8 sessions. There are other times where the work will be more in-depth and last longer. I can be working with a client for anywhere from a year to two. It depends on what your goals are and what you desire to achieve.

  • This is a great question! My ultimate goal is to help you achieve significant change, transformation, and healing.

    To do that, the first thing to expect is that it will be uncomfortable. I'm here to help you grow and evolve. To do that requires looking at ourselves honestly and openly. It requires taking radical responsibility for your life. Because sometimes we don't like what we see while we're in the change process, it can even be a little bit messy.

    But that's part of the journey.

    Ultimately what you can expect from therapy is that your life will change in beautiful ways, and it will feel so rewarding! This work we will do together is deep and creates profound transformation. You can also expect to spend time outside of the therapy session focusing on what we discuss.

    You'll have homework, spend time in self-reflection and introspection, and concentrate on changing thoughts, beliefs, and old patterns.

  • I prioritize providing personalized and flexible care, which is why I operate on a self-pay basis. This approach allows me to tailor my services to meet your unique needs without the constraints often imposed by insurance companies. I can provide you with a receipt or superbill, which you may submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement.

  • I meet with people virtually using a HIPPA compliant software program, a.k.a. Zoom.

    I have found that the virtual platform for therapy is a highly effective and efficient way to meet. No longer will you have to drive to an appointment that adds additional time to your day or be local to the area to work with me.

    I believe that telehealth and teletherapy are the way of the future. It is a highly effective way to connect without having obstacles such as childcare, weather-related issues, traffic, etc. this eliminates all of that.

    Meeting virtually makes it easier for you to stay consistent on your journey towards wholeness. My clients have reported that they love doing telehealth and feel like it's one of the best ways to make therapy accessible and available. Additionally, as a business owner, I am able to reduce my carbon footprint by contributing to less traffic and people on the road as a business.

  • It's essential that for your telehealth session, you are well prepared. Zoom works best on a computer.

    Using a tablet or an iPhone is also an acceptable way to meet, although not the best. Preparing for your telehealth sessions is essential for a most productive therapy session.

    I suggest that clients set their computer up in a well-lit room, providing the best natural lighting. It is helpful to ensure that you have everything you need close by - a journal, water or tea, Kleenex, and whatever else you need to increase focus.

    Please be sure to minimize distractions. If necessary, let your family members know that you in are in a private meeting and ask that they not interrupt you. Setting boundaries is one of the first steps toward putting yourself first.

    Things you will need: A journal, pens or pencils to write with, index cards, post-it notes, and a sense of humor :)

  • I ask clients to provide a 48-hour notice if they need to cancel their session. This is time reserved specifically for you. It's also essential that the commitment to the work, showing up, and investing in yourself are your priority. Being consistent with your appointment is necessary for people who want to see radical change in their lives.

  • The best way to reach me is either by emailing me at or calling. Text messaging is best for letting me know if you will be late to an appointment or there's a last-minute situation. If you have a life-threatening emergency at any time, please know that I am not always available. Therefore, calling 911 or going to your nearest emergency room is what you would do in the case of an emergency.

  • For sure! One of my favorite things is when clients I've worked with before return because they want to tackle something new. And because we've already done all the groundwork previously, we can jump right into wherever you're at and take it from there.

    I do not allow previous clients to return if they ghosted the therapy process, i.e., no contact, not canceling appointments with 48 hours notice, inconsistency with keeping appointments, or discontinued communication. When you stop therapy, if it is ended with integrity and respect, I always welcome clients back to work with them and consider it a deep honor and privilege.

  • Great question. One of the things that is a common issue is that people will sometimes start counseling and want their spouse to attend, but the other party is not open to it. In those cases, I think the best thing is for the person willing to participate in therapy to go.

    Begin doing the work.

    I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who become interested in joining therapy after noticing changes in their partner. I never encourage people to force their partner into therapy as I don't believe it is helpful or effective at creating change in a relationship.

  • I meet with clients Monday through Thursday between the hours of 10 AM and 6 PM.

  • I specialize in seeing clients dealing with relationship issues, PTSD and trauma, depression and anxiety, divorce, life transitions, parenting, and grief.

  • Yes! Many of my clients begin seeing changes in as little as 2 to 3 sessions. The more open and committed you are to making changes, the quicker you will see results.

  • Absolutely not! Therapy is here to assist you in reaching goals, healing past wounds and traumas, supporting you, and making changes in your life to have more fulfilling relationships and deeper satisfaction.

    While some people will attend therapy for quite some time, they choose to do so because they are seeking deeper changes, healing bigger wounds, or conquering Thor! :)

    In reality, a lot of people have a therapist because they feel healthier having someone on their side, looking out for them, and helping them to listen to the wisdom of the heart and soul. My goal is not to have what I call "lifers." My goal is to help you live your fullest, most authentic life.

  • There are a couple of circumstances when it's appropriate to stop therapy.

    The first one being you've reached your goals and are happy with where you were at. Another time when it would be appropriate to stop therapy would be when you don't feel like you're making progress. This could an indication that it's either time to stop therapy or find another therapist.

    Lastly, a time when it would make sense to stop therapy is when we need a break. Not an ending, but a pause to integrate all of the work that you have done. Ultimately the goal is that you receive so much value from our work that you just get what you need.

  • You will know because your life really will be different. Perhaps you have control over your emotions, your relationships are greatly improved, or you've made changes in your life that you wanted to for a long time. Feeling complete is an inner knowing that you've done your work and you're ready to move on to the next thing in your life.


Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.

— Nelson Mandela